What follows isn’t erotica – it’s the design notes for my erotic world, Vesta. Feel free to use this world in your own stories, as long as you credit me, and don’t change any of the established “facts”.
If you want to add anything to Minerva or Femtopia, please clear it with me first.
(With thanks in particular to Anonymous and Night Owl.)
Updated July 2015 to support current series.
Erotic Purpose
“Vesta” is intended as a psychologically plausible SciFi world in which male chastity and disempowerment are givens, so that ostensibly vanilla people can have different flavors of Femdom adventures. Most visitors to the planet will have a fairly straightforward and vanilla experience. The erotic stories merely concentrate on the (un)fortunate people who do have “adventures”.
If you like, think of the place as one huge Milgram Experiment.
Design Specifications
Institutions, customs and laws are never about the boy
- Vesta belongs to women. Any Femdom is a by-product of female practical and aesthetic desires and needs. Most women don’t go the extra mile to create fetish action – they don’t need to. Women come to Vesta for a variety of reasons, but rarely because they are Dommes.
- This is vital in order to support the psychological realism.
Day-to-day life is like ours but with a twist
- Too much technology or exoticism makes it hard to identify with the characters or situations.
- The setting in the alien-administered Adult Zone ensures that technology is limited and inconsistent.
There are never any free penises on Vesta
- For story reasons, male chastity is a given. The most you can hope for is that the tip of your cup opens, enabling you to masturbate. All cups are flesh toned to match the skin of the man, but have a sligth masculine bulge.
Pregancy, STD and physical safety are not an issue
- This is fantasy after all. However, the technology ensures this.
- Vesta is home to many different cultures.
- This is the far future. Once they hit early middle age, people live a very long time.
Background to the setting: The Adult Zone
Vesta is orbits a star in the Adult Zone. This is a region of the galaxy on the fringe of a civilization of inscrutable Aliens. Perhaps as an experiment, perhaps as a buffer zone or an attempt at social engineering, the Aliens have invited humans to found civilizations on terra-formed worlds in the zone, with the proviso that there will be no children. (Hence the name).
Aliens place severe limits on technology within the zone, except in the areas of Law Enforcement, Medicine, Space Transport. There's slightly more leeway for Agriculture, Transport and Construction. So expect aircars, construction machines and harvesters with female operators.
Even so, the experience on any of the planets is primitive compared to the rest of the human galaxy.
Assigning land rights
The aliens control the apportion of land on these Adult Worlds, however anybody with enough people an resources can apply to set up a state as long as it fits the planet’s general theme. If approved, the Aliens provide technology to support the desired culture, e.g. cups and rings for Vesta.
Cultural place in the Galaxy
The Adult Zone acts as a sink for humanity’s misfits and idealists. The worlds range from the grim and murderous to the utopian, e.g. a gladiatorial world, several gay worlds, more primitivist worlds, ones set up to be explicitly BDSM and so on.
Vesta fits into the utopian/idealist end of the spectrum.
Minerva and Femtopia and other settlements
The state of Minerva was settled by utopian Femnists who thought if gender wasn’t a social construct, then it damn well should be. They decided to set up a civilization in which everybody could be penetrated, but in which nobody had a penis. To this end the Aliens supplied chastity cups and violence inhibitors, and provided rather good hi-tech feeldoes.
In order to bump up the male numbers, the rich philanthropists behind Minerva threw money at the Minverva State University, bought in the best female teachers, and offered cheap education to males in the hope that some of them would stay.
There are two male castes in Minerva:
- Student - skin-toned permanently closed chastity cups with prostate inhibitor. Few civil rights.
- Citizen - skin-toned permanently closed chastity cups with no prostate inhibitor. Equal rights with female citizens, but no vote.
The prostate inhibitor simply detects pain and applies an electrical shock to the penis. It's theoretically possible for penetration to still lead to ejaculation, but the process would be very painful and not something you'd do yourself.
In addition, the campus has strict rules banning all sex toys.
Initial Success
The University proved surprisingly popular with young men, not least because doing a tour on Vesta implied learning to be a good lover.
Initially, most of the residents were transient students, while most of the actual permanent citizens settled into Lesbian relationships. There are a small number of male gay relationships,
Breakaway State: Femtopia
However, some women found it was hard to persuade the men they loved to stay. Some felt that the closed cup policy was too draconian and did not give them enough leverage, or didn’t like penetrating men. And others believed that women were naturally superior, and wanted a more stratified society.
Together they formed an alliance and applied to set up the State of Femtopia just across the Straits of Juno on the next-door continent...
Femtopia (The Free Territories of the Feminist Sexual Utopia) is modelled on pre-modern patriarchal cultures, but reversed.
Caste System
Femtopia imposes a caste system on men, intended to nudge them into permanent relationships:
Summary of Femtopia Male Castes
Caste (rank)
Free Neuter (1)
Closed, Full
Smoked Glass
Intended for visitors and contractors, but also adopted by guest workers.
Thrall (2)
Opens, Full, Program-able
When a woman owns one bondsman, he becomes a thrall.
Analogue of 1950s housewife. Obeys any direct simple orders from the mistress. She can adjust the settings on his cup, e.g. close it for a set time, has a mute button. Post orgasmic, she can open the cup enough to expose the tip of the penis.
Bondsman (2)
Opens outside service hours, Full
Lipstick Red
During service hours
When a woman owns two or more thralls, they become bondsmen.
Owes 8 hours service to his owner. Has no money of his own and may not be employed except by owner. The intention is that he should find a Mistress who will buy him out. Any post orgasmic woman can open the tip of his cup.
Neuter (3)
Closed, Tight
Bronze Look
A slave. The tight cup forces the testicles to “tuck” and covers the pubic triangle, giving a hairless neutered look. Obeys any direct simple orders from the mistress. Reputed continued state of arousal puts them outside their mistress’ social sphere.
Mute (4)
Closed, Tight
Iron Look
As Neuter, except mute.
Caste Movement
A male can sub-vocalize a key word. 24 hours later, he responds to a confirmation message and the police come to pick him up and transfer him to named resident, or to the auction house. The ex-owner receives no compensation.
Neuter and Mute were originally intended as “rock bottom”. All cups are flesh toned.
Cost to slave
Owner Compensated
Resets current tour + original tour
To named female resident (not immediately previous owner), unless promoting to Free Neuter.
No waiting
Resets tour
Compulsory sale via Auction, owner can’t bid.
3 months + 3 months wait for every previous Sideways Move.
Sale price –fee.
(But if you demote from Free Neuter, you can bank the money offworld)
To named female resident (not immediately previous owner).
1 month wait
Example: Peter signs up for a 1 year tour as a Free Neuter. However, he’s not quite good looking enough to find well paid work. After a month, he sells himself as a Bondsman to a coffee shop owner. He flirts with the customers, especially the beautiful Lydia and the slightly aggressive Freya. With 8 months to go,
Freya buys him as her thrall, (making the proprietor happy). However, Freya expects him to continue to work in the coffee shop for money, and to maintain a high-standard of housekeeping, and begins to mistreat him, withdrawing orgasm.
With 5 months to go, he has the following options:
- Promote to Free Neuter - This will reset his tour, and add another year to it, meaning he will have 24 months to serve.
- Move Sideways – This will reset his tour, giving him 12 months to serve.
- Demote to Neuter – Only 5 months to go, but no chance of an orgasm.
He’s so desperate for an orgasm that he opts for sideways, which merely resets his tour.
However, he’s bought by a cleaning company. After 1 month, the hard work and constant beatings, and little chance to socialise and thus get off, make the role unbearable. Rather than wait 6 months before he can go for auction (since this will be his second move), he can either promote to Free Neuter and have 24 months to serve, or Demote to Neuter and have 11. He has little choice but give himself to a Lydia from his coffee shop days. She’s flattered but can’t afford to keep him. After a night of passion, she auctions him off.
A vengeful Freya happens to be at the auction, buys him and makes his life a living hell. Worse, she begins to force him to have anal sex. Since the possible consequences include both demotion and an extended time, he cannot afford to stick around. He demotes to Mute and opts to be auctioned – at least that way his new owner will be able to afford him.
Niki, a cabaret performer, buys him, and he looks forward to 10 months serving a fascinating woman. Unfortunately, befuddled by his pent up sexuality, he falls in love with her and promotes himself to her thrall.
From Mute to Neuter resets his tour, and adds the original time, taking him to 24 months. Neuter to Thrall adds the original time again, taking him to 36 months.
Niki is furious, and feels violated by his presumption and expression of love. She beats him and mistreats him. Thanks to his earlier compulsory sales, he still has a 6 month wait if he wants to move sideways. Unable to face any sort of slavery, he promotes again to Free Neuter – taking him to a 4 year tour – and begins a relationship with Lydia.
Unfortunately, after a year, Lydia’s career takes her off world. If he comes with her, his tour will be suspended, but the cup will remain closed. What’s more important to him? Love or the possibility of an orgasm…?
Meanwhile, the ring given to all women on Vesta enables them to assign demerits to men, with 5 demerits earning escalating public corporal punishment. Mistresses must pay a fine if their man has a public whipping, but can dodge this by administering the punishment themselves in one of the public whipping stations.
Consequences of Anal Sex
Though anal sex is encouraged in Minerva, in Femtopia it carries risks to the male. Several days after having an anally caused orgasm, there’s a 5% chance of Consequences. These are not fully known, and seem to change from time to time, but include: demerit; demotion and ownership or loss of ownership by the penetrator; significant time penalty; and bonding – only the penetrator can now pleasure the male anally. For Free Neuters, the Consequences are always initially bonding. Consequences can permanently change the status of visiting tourists.
Who comes to Femtopia
Of course, the parts of Femtopia nearest Minerva quickly came to resemble Girls Gone Wild on Spring Break. The tourism means that men are offered big bucks to do a tour as a Bondsman, and can also earn good money as a Free Neuter.
For more on Minerva and Femtopia, see below.
Other states
In time, Femtopia spawned other less well funded colonies which attract fewer males, these include:
- Amazonia - Female supremacist. All men are closed-cup slaves with few social or legal rights, and a mute button. This gets a steady trickle of volunteers, but can’t really compete with the real Femdom worlds in the Adult Zone. Most “Amazons” are Lesbians, which is less fun than it sounds.
- Neutralia - Apart from voting rights, men and women are equal. All resident men have cups that expose the very tip of their penises, essentially giving them a clitoris. Popular with gender benders. For everybody else, a very disorientating place to visit.
Other locations in the system
Other terraformed moons and worlds exist, most with Standard Gravity in the settled areas. All have the same basic conditions, but vary in theme, for example the neo-primitivist jungle world of
Culture and Conditions
Fashion, gender relations and whether washrooms and showers are unisex tends to reflect the host culture and individual preferences.
Thanks to the limits on technology, day-to-day life is much like ours. However, most people are used to the high standards maintained by the AIs and droids back home, so initially find the place a bit shabby. Kept Men, Neuters and Mutes have to work very hard indeed to meet what their mistress regards as reasonable standards.
Immigration and Emigration
On arriving at the “Big O” orbital station, men are fitted with cup appropriate to their destination and caste, and women with a ring that enforces infertility and has various powers depending on the location.
Male tourists and visitors, e.g. spacers on shore leave, are always closed cup Free Neuters, but do not have a set tour. However, visas have a time limit. If you overstay, you automatically start a one year tour.
All men resident for more than a month must sign up for a tour, minimum of one year. A Free Neuter, and any other man with permission, has the option to leave at any time, but his cup remains active and closed. He must return and complete the tour before it can be removed. (Being alien technology, nobody even understands how the cups work.)
The rings deactivate on leaving Vesta.
Main vanilla reasons for male immigration are:
- Cheap education
- Money earned as Free Neuter, or by selling yourself into the Bondsman caste
- Gigolo kudos (if you’ve done a tour on Vesta, girls assume you’re good in bed).
- To accompany a female partner
Main reasons for female immigration:
- Career – Vesta pays well.
- Issues with sexuality
- To have a break from men
- Fun
Men coming to Vesta looking for “traditional” fetish-style Femdom are usually disappointed. The focus is rarely on them, and day to day life usually resolves around service, not sexuality.
Minerva and Femtopia – erotic tensions
Most of the Chastity Planet stories happen between Minerva and Femtopia.
New Athens like the rest of Minverva, is a mostly sedate university town with stone and brick buildings and retro architecture. There are pubs and clubs, but they close at midnight, and reasonable decorum is enforced.
The part of Femtopia with the best beaches is within easy commute from New Athens, but is under the shuttle path to the Space Port, meaning the property prices are low. So, though most of this area is therefore a sprawling strip development of clubs and pleasure beaches, it also includes the residences of those who prefer to live in Femtopia and commute to Minerva for study or work.
The inland settlements of Femtopia have a bohemian feel. The stunning landscape draws artists and poets, and eco-tourists.
Commuters and internal tourists
Kept Men can travel to Minerva as long as they have their mistress’s permission, so it’s quite common for student couples to shack up here and commute back (the males are closed-cup when in Minerva but maintain the same collar colour).
Similarly, the less well paid staff, or poorer female students, may well prefer to rent a house in Femtopia rather than share an apartment in Minerva. This is especially true of artists and musicians, who need space.
The beach area, of course, is very much girls gone wild. Parties of students come over on the rampage every weekend, and every vacation. Not all the makes make it back to class…
Public Image
Minerva portrays itself as a sedate, safe place. Whenever the topic of Femtopia comes up, the response is to dismiss the place as a a bit of an embarrassment but not ultimately significant - like Sun City in apartheid South Africa, or Vegas in the US.
Consequently, Minerva is the destination of choice for lady students from very conservative worlds, some of whom arrive with their own chaperons. Of course, there's a certain amount of collusion and self deception on the part of the parents.
Femtopia is careful to present a "safe girls night out" image, and not to dwell on the readily available sex- think contemporary Jamaica or Ibitha. Even so, few people would want the place on their CV.
Various inland resorts exist that portray themselves as Minvervan-style enclaves. The food and wine gives ladies of a certain age a good excuse to visit.
Almost any kind of femdom or chastity story is possible, ranging from the sweet romance through to the full blown revenge tale of a psycho ex girlfriend who tracks the hero down to Vesta.